I hope you have a good day on the farm. Using the Hay Day tricks, tips and cheats I have provided, you can cut the amount of time it takes to keep your virtual farm profitable and working efficiently, and have more fun playing your favorite video game.
Hay Day Farm Designs Level 30
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Living in a farm may be your most ideal place yet. You will have endless supply of eggs, milk, fresh vegetables, fruits and all kinds of bi-products that your home-grown animals give. It only entails you to take care of them regularly, which means you have to feed them in the process, water the plants and keep things properly organised to save you time.
A farm also has to look good so that your neighbours will take more than just a second glance. You can try placing the patches and all the others in between in beautiful arrangement so that it looks orderly as soon as the plant grows one after the other.
We've selected the White Floral pedestal. Prior to confirming our customizations for level 1, we're shown a sneak peek at some of the many level 2 options. At the bottom we'll see the cost for level 1. Tapping the Confirm button locks in this level of our custom decoration.
We've selected the Pink Daisies. Prior to confirming our customizations for level 2, we're shown a sneak peek at some of the many level 3 options. At the bottom we'll see the cost for level 2. Tapping the Confirm button locks in this level of our custom decoration.
We've selected the Golden Floral border. Prior to confirming our customizations for level 3, we're shown a sneak peek at some of the many level 4 options. At the bottom we'll see the cost for level 3. Tapping the Confirm button locks in this level of our custom decoration.
We've selected the Orange Daisies. Prior to confirming our customizations for level 4, we're shown a sneak peek at some of the many level 5 options. At the bottom we'll see the cost for level 4. Tapping the Confirm button locks in this level of our custom decoration.
We've selected the Yellow Birdbath. Our custom decoration is complete, and cannot be upgraded further. At the bottom we'll see the cost for level 5. Tapping the Confirm button locks in this level of our custom decoration.
Hay Day (opens in new tab) puts you in charge of rehabilitating a farm that's seen better days. You grow and harvest crops, raise livestock, clearing land, and make goods you can sell to local businesses and consumers to make a tidy profit. With each new level comes new goods you can make, new livestock and crops, and some other assorted goodies to help make your farming experience better. Like most free to play games, there's an in app purchase mechanism that you can use to buy a hard currency in the game (diamonds) which will get you ahead and get you out of jams. The tips I've come up with are to keep you out of those jams.
Visitors to your farm want to buy your goods, but they typically don't want to pay a premium for them. So don't be afraid to say no. They won't take offense and they'll come around again soon enough as soon as the mood strikes them.
Succeeding at Hay Day is as much about leveling up as it is about making coins, so look at those orders carefully. It may be worth your while to go with an order that offers less cash but more experience to help you level up faster.
Old MacDonald had a farm in days of yore. These days, so can you!With Hay Day, you can experience country life to the fullest. Raise crops andaccomplish various similar chores to earn your keep. At PlayerAuctions, youhave access to the most coveted Hay Day accounts online. Check out our listings!
It's the Freemium game created by Supercell that you have no doubt watched people playing, or played yourself. Available on Andorid and iOS, the game allows you to fulfill your farming dreams by raising crops and keeping animals, while always looking to expand your farm and keep things ticking over nicely. There are regular updates to the game, improving gameplay and adding new elements that keep the gameplay interesting. As Hay Day game has grown in popularity, it has also grown competitive, with many people more than happy to show off the farms they have created, and compete with other players for high in-game scores. This is why there is now a market for Hay Day accounts.
Need items for improvement or expansion. You can find items for improvement and expansion, such as electrical tape, boards, pegs, hammers, and others, by harvesting your fields, collecting items, or opening red tool boxes. You can also buy them in the newspaper or from your neighbors and friends, if they have these items. The developers advise you to regularly follow the news and roadside kiosks of other farms in order to gain an advantage in any deal you can find! If you do not find enough items, you can also buy them for diamonds by touching the \"+\" button next to them.
Reward mid level. Starting at level 15 you will receive a reward for your progress in the game! See the marks on your scale of experience? They show at what points you will receive a special gift as a reward for your diligent work on the farm. Continue to harvest, carry out orders and do a lot of different things on the farm, and then you can get these special awards;)
How to move items on my farm? You can rearrange buildings, pens, fields, and trees by touching and holding an item that needs to be moved, it will blink, and you can move it to a free space.
What are trees and shrubs for? The trees and shrubs in the game are a bit different from the rest of the plants. You can plant trees and shrubs on your farm, and collect fruits and berries 3 times in a row. After that, you can ask friends and acquaintances of farmers to help with the additional harvest. Put \"!\" next to the dying tree / bush, and other farmers who have visited your farm, will have the opportunity to revive it - and then you will be able to gather fruits and berries again.
If you are connected to Facebook, you can even use Megaphone to tell your friends that you need help on the farm! After you pick fruit or berries for the fourth time, unfortunately, the trees and shrubs will die. You will need to remove them to make room for landing new ones!
How does mine work? In order to mine ore for the production of gold, silver, platinum, iron or refined coal, you need barrels of TNT, shovels, pickaxes or dynamite. You can use all this in mines (starting at level 24) for ore mining. If you are lucky, you can also find diamonds in the mine. Do not forget to follow the ads in the newspaper and the kiosks of your friends, because they can also be ore and bullion for sale!
Lost field / decoration / other object. Fields and objects cannot be lost or stolen from your farm, however, they can be put in another place or hidden somewhere. There may be an item that you lost, stuck behind a building that cannot be moved (for example, your house or delivery board with a truck); touch and hold the building in the place behind which the element can be hidden, and move it as soon as it becomes visible. Check carefully near trees, buildings, animals, fences and other similar structures.
How to expand the farm? You can buy additional land on the right side of your farm. Thus, you will have more space for various farm businesses. This addition appears in the game as soon as you reach level 22 . Select the field you want to receive and click on it. For expansion it is necessary to have land acts, hammers and pegs for marking. The required number of items depends on the size of the piece of land and is indicated when you touch it.
You can get them in one of the following ways: wait until you get them during the game (harvesting, products made by animals, turning the wheel of fortune, etc.), or you can purchase the missing land acts for 24 diamonds by clicking on \"+\" icon. When using the second option, you can immediately expand the land. Once all the necessary items are collected, you can touch the green round button located on the right and expand the farm.The more land you have, the more fun it is to do farm work!
How many bees can I get? All farmers start with a single hive on a tree. As the bees bring in more and more nectar, they will gain experience and taste. Once you have collected enough nectar, you can hang another hive in the same tree. You can find out how much nectar the inhabitants of one tree collected by clicking on the \"i\" icon.
Please note that these animals need free space so that they can move around, and if your farm is full, they can get stuck and will not be able to move. You may need to put some decorations in the warehouse and redesign your farm to leave more space for them. Some decorations may increase the likelihood of a particular type of animal.For example, a pond will increase the chance of frogs, and a bird house will attract more birds. Touch the decoration several times to attract animals. For more information, see the description of the decoration.
Lumberjack for hire? The logger is your friendly neighbor Greg. Armed with an ax and a saw, he will clean the farm from dried trees and bushes. Thanks to this offer, it appears a limited number of times, starting at level 25.The lumberjack only works if your farm has 20 or more bushes or trees completely dried during the offer period.Remember that you will not see Greg on the farm. Instead, there will be visible dead bushes and trees that can be cut down and cut down at the same time.
Hiring a logger will cost you 50% less diamonds (compared to what you would pay if you purchased axes and saws for them). The lumberjack will cut down 20 dry woods at one time. What he